Thursday, July 8, 2021

June 2021 Recap

June 2021

//So incredibly late - only posting because I worked hard on this! 😅\\

||My Life||

Happy Days Event: The vendor show we went to was kind of a flop, which I'm disappointed with, but It is what it is.
It's been pretty uneventful otherwise. Just been going to work. 


This month I re-read Narnia, again, because it's a comfort series. If you've never read them, I always highly reccomend.


3-Below: Tales of Arcadia

With this show I started out slow, what with me still partially stuck on my Trollhunters hangover, but I actually ended up loving it. 

Sure, theres some clichés, and some of the episodes were a little sloppy, but I liked it overall, and I love the characters, my favorite being Krel. 4/5

Captain America: Civil War

I really liked this one, particularly the witty banter, it was funny to see them fighting against each other and still exchanging these ridiculus conversations especially- "I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking". I also didn't think I'd like this Peter Parker/Spiderman, but I actually kind of do. 5/5

Wizards: Tales of Arcadia

I binge-watched this one within a week. Pretty good. I'm a sucker for Arthurian retellings, and this one was interesting; the way Nimue was portrayed was delightfully funny. The main character, Hisirdoux/'Douxie' Casperan was likable and interesting, but I don't know, I feel like we needed...more? Like I needed to know him better. The character designs are marvelous. The intro is so dramatic and exciting -I just-  ahhhh, it's cool. 5/5 


I...Love this movie. Definetly adding to my favorite Disney/Pixar movies list. 

This movie was really funny and sweet, even made me cry...a little. The story is pretty interesting, first time watching it I had so many emotions.
 Its very visually appealing, the colors are bright and attractive, from the water sparkling with sunlight to the cherry red vespa gleaming like a jewel. And the characters are just so cute

Frickin' adorable.
Also, I just love all this Italian-ness in it.
 I liked this movie, 5/5 would recomend.


I didn't post anything this month, which I'm kind of upset with, but I did read a lot of incredible stuff over last month.

||This Month||

This month I hope to survive. Oh! and post the new and awesome Running Wild With Impractical Outfits tag!

Happy Valentines Day