Thursday, July 8, 2021

June 2021 Recap

June 2021

//So incredibly late - only posting because I worked hard on this! 😅\\

||My Life||

Happy Days Event: The vendor show we went to was kind of a flop, which I'm disappointed with, but It is what it is.
It's been pretty uneventful otherwise. Just been going to work. 


This month I re-read Narnia, again, because it's a comfort series. If you've never read them, I always highly reccomend.


3-Below: Tales of Arcadia

With this show I started out slow, what with me still partially stuck on my Trollhunters hangover, but I actually ended up loving it. 

Sure, theres some clichés, and some of the episodes were a little sloppy, but I liked it overall, and I love the characters, my favorite being Krel. 4/5

Captain America: Civil War

I really liked this one, particularly the witty banter, it was funny to see them fighting against each other and still exchanging these ridiculus conversations especially- "I don't know if you've been in a fight before, but there's usually not this much talking". I also didn't think I'd like this Peter Parker/Spiderman, but I actually kind of do. 5/5

Wizards: Tales of Arcadia

I binge-watched this one within a week. Pretty good. I'm a sucker for Arthurian retellings, and this one was interesting; the way Nimue was portrayed was delightfully funny. The main character, Hisirdoux/'Douxie' Casperan was likable and interesting, but I don't know, I feel like we needed...more? Like I needed to know him better. The character designs are marvelous. The intro is so dramatic and exciting -I just-  ahhhh, it's cool. 5/5 


I...Love this movie. Definetly adding to my favorite Disney/Pixar movies list. 

This movie was really funny and sweet, even made me cry...a little. The story is pretty interesting, first time watching it I had so many emotions.
 Its very visually appealing, the colors are bright and attractive, from the water sparkling with sunlight to the cherry red vespa gleaming like a jewel. And the characters are just so cute

Frickin' adorable.
Also, I just love all this Italian-ness in it.
 I liked this movie, 5/5 would recomend.


I didn't post anything this month, which I'm kind of upset with, but I did read a lot of incredible stuff over last month.

||This Month||

This month I hope to survive. Oh! and post the new and awesome Running Wild With Impractical Outfits tag!


  1. Captain America: Civil War is my third favorite Marvel movie! The dialogue is so fun. I haven't seen Luca yet, but it looks adorable!

    I'm sorry that vendor show didn't work out! My June wasn't too interesting either, just work. I hope that you have a good July!

    1. I know, right! It was great. Thank you and ditto!

  2. I've been hearing people talking about Luca, haven't seen it yet though. It looks cute.
    So sorry to hear the vendor show was a bit of a flop! but glad you've found movies that you've been enjoying.
    Can't wait to see your Outfits tag answers!!

    1. Thank you! And yes, I'm having so much fun writing it, thanks for tagging me!

  3. I've been meaning to watch Luca and Troll Hunters. Both sound so good!


Happy Valentines Day