Thursday, May 6, 2021

Siames - My Favorite Bands - May 6, 2021

 Heyo! I'm back, and I'm excited to do a posting about probably my favorite band (its definetly in the top five),
Siamés (see-ah-mes) is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They sing in english, and are influenced by japanese style and art. They're actually pretty new, seven years old. The first song I ever heard was "The Wolf", I heard in on a project on Scratch years ago. I then watched the animated video, which went viral on Youtube, with 2 Million views within the first month of it's release.
The comment sections of these songs are really cool, and everybody has their own theories, so it's really fun to read them.
I think this song is about struggling with addiction, the alcoholism and smoking. I'm not sure if the man on the motorcycle is an adrenaline junkie or is running from something else, It's a little unclear, But at the end he is the first to stand up and fight. 
After that I've been pretty obsessed. I can't say there's a song out from them yet that I dislike. 
When I first saw "Mr. Fear" I liked the song, but I thought the video was a little creepy. The more I watched it though, the more I loved both the song and the video. That seems to happen a lot with this band, sometimes if I don't really care for one of the songs, a few more listens and I love it.
"Mr. Fear" eventually became one my favorites. I even have a poster of it in my room. This song has it's theories, like the others. I'm not really sure with this one, seems to me like a relationship that's damaging to the things around them, but they don't ever end it, but I'm more interested in the less metaphorical side of this video, like what happens to the characters after the song is over. This video left me with so many questions, and I bet it'll do the same to you.
"Summer Nights" (2020) Is their other animated music video, I didn't really love it like I loved The Wolf and Mr. Fear, but It's still a really great song.

I don't have any really interesting theories for "Summer Nights" but notice: Their clothes and possibly their ages change after the blond girl's star appears.
Some other of my favorite songs from them, all their other songs are great, don't forget to check them out! But since I'm sure you don't want to keep this tab open forever to listen to 22 songs, I'll only post a few.
"As You Get High"


"Young and Restless"

"2 Feathers"

And one of their new-er songs,
"Always the Same"

I really hoped you liked this band, and will check it out if you got time. 

👽Thanks for Reading👽


  1. Ooo I haven't heard of this band, but their really good!
    Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely be checking out more of their music.

  2. I hadn't heard of this band either but they are really good! I love when people have different theories or headcanons about music, it's a lot of fun hearing what everyone comes up with and hearing what their reasoning behind it is.

    1. I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award if you want to do it.

    2. Yes! I am so sorry I'm taking forever with it! Thank you for nominating me! I read your one earlier but I probably forgot to comment, whoops.

  3. I haven't heard of this band, but they sound great. I'll have to listen to some of their songs.

  4. This is so fun! I had never heard of them until this. The "Summer Nights" video is my favorite, and I really love the song "2 Feathers". Thanks for sharing! I plan to listen to them more!


Happy Valentines Day