Friday, February 19, 2021

February 17, 2021 - The Chosen

I regret to report that I forgot to post, again.

But no matter, I'm here to talk about The Chosen, a historical drama about the life of Christ through the eyes of those who knew him. The Chosen is directed and produced by Dallas Jenkins. The Chosen is free on YouTube (that's where I watched it) and you can also get an app to watch it as well (I think). Here is the trailer:

So let's get into it!

What I liked:
I'm gonna be honest, I am usually not the person who spends their time watching "Christian" movies. Not that I have anything against them, It's just that sometimes they seem overly dense, really sad, or just boring to me. This show turned my thoughts on things upside down.

The Story:
I really love how you really get excited about what's happening in the show, the storyline is great and it makes it totally binge-worthy. Even though I've read the story already in my bible, I am still super excited for the second season to come out in spring.

The Characters:
What I really like about this show is that it focussed a lot on the characters, their backstories, their struggles. There's a lot of shows that focus only Jesus, and he's a little hard to relate to, because, you know, he's the son of God, But by seeing Him through the eyes of the people who actually knew him, It's pretty interesting.

What I disliked:
I disliked that they skipped some things that would've been cool to get in the show, but other that I pretty much loved it. Five stars from me.
Yeah so here's a lil' review on The Chosen series, I hope you liked it as much as I did! Let me know in the comments your opinions! If you watched it, Tell me what you thought. What's your favorite character? Mine is Matthew or Mary Madalene.😁


  1. Great review! I really liked this show and am pumped for season 2! Exactly how you said, because it's so character oriented that it makes you really care about them. My favorite characters are Matthew and Mary Magdalene, too, as well as Peter and Eden.

  2. Great review! I need to watch this. It looks really good.


Happy Valentines Day